Water drops .. and HOPE

My day started out at church, which was held in a large tent in the middle of a gated field.  It was ironic the pastor said how appauled he was that the news telecasts that Haiti is a cursed nation.  He talked about how much it was a testimony of HOPE for the people here, to have volunteers come to make a difference.  He talked about the places that Jesus went, and how they were blessed, not cursed (Like Jericho and Jerusalem).  For those of you who don’t believe in God, the point is simple.  The human spirit is so very resilient.

Children cared more about getting their picture taken and attention, than anything else.  Adults hugged us and told us thank you in Creole and French for bringing them water.  Speaking of water …

We delivered 9,000 gallons of water, to over 3,250 families, all of whom have lives in tents or make shift housing since the earthquake.   It is disgusting that the government does not provide water to their own people.  It is frustrating the government wants to cut off the food supply via donations.

Tomorrow I will tackle the issue with Customs about the Peace Packs again .. but for tonite .. it’s hopefully sweet dreams.  My body is exhausted from the sun, the experiences, and the sadness ~~ mixed with absolute joy of knowing I made a difference today … right along next to my fellow volunteers. 



Water drop #2, 25 April 2010

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