“Mail Call for Our Heroes 2016”

“Mail Call for Our Heroes 2016″


Wow, what a year this has been!  Sorry I have not blogged at all, but I have been caught up with life issues and using Facebook and other social media to keep everyone up to date.  With all the changes in my personal life, I am making some changes to this years “Mail Call for Our Heroes”. I do have to apologize that with moving so many times this year, I have not any idea where my photos are from last years care packages – so I am sharing ones from years prior.  Hope you don’t mind.  🙂

Since 2002 I have been ‘adopting’ troops serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Enduring Freedom, and Operation New Dawn all over the globe. Our service members have expressed to me, over and over again, the importance of receiving mail and hearing their name called at Mail Call. It helps them to cope with the time away from their loved ones back home & having their name called at Mail Call.  For that reason, to uplift spirits and boost morale over the holidays, “The Sky Angel” is doing my tenth annual “Mail Call for Our Heroes”.

1SGT Miah Washburn recipient of “Mail Call for Our Heroes 2014”

This year “Mail Call for Our Heroes” is for a soldier and his unit that are deployed in Kuwait and the units they support that are deployed “downline”. I also will be sending Christmas decorations and surprises to a Marine EOD family that recently was sent to Japan for the next three years.  Additionally, as I do every year, I will send needed items to Landstuhl Regional Medical Center for the staff and our Wounded Warriors in Germany. You will also find me volunteering a bit more often at the SeaTac USO; beginning in late October & through the holidays … so please come look for me, if you are in the airport!

My goals: 1) To raise $$$$ for holiday care packages including Christmas trees with all the decorations, toiletries, homemade treats, clothing for our Wounded Warriors, goodies for our canine heroes, and postage to ship the care packages. 

2)  Collect individual cards, letters, or notes so each service member in each unit or at the hospitals will have a piece of mail to open over the holidays.

Having you and your loved ones express your thoughts to the service members in these units will make such a difference for them this holiday season. Please feel free to get your children’s schools, girl/boy scouts, senior citizens homes, churches, social clubs, and families involved!  The troops love receiving the cards gathered from across the world for them!!


Santa arrived in Kuwait … via “Mail Call for Our Heroes 2013”

Please send donations (checks or money orders need to be payable to Robin Schmidt) to the address below. (Donations are not tax deductible as I do this out of the kindness of my heart and do not want the hassle of becoming a non-profit).  If you would like to make a donation online, you can do so via PayPal to the email address of: supportourheroes@live.com (or clicking on the donate button at the top of http://alwayssupportourheroes.com/what-to-send.html )

The deadline for me to receive any cards or letters to the troops, or cash donations need to be arrived in my mailbox no later than Veteran’s Day (11 November 2016) to ensure they arrive overseas before Christmas.  Any items received after the deadline will still be sent and appreciated (I just cannot guarantee the care packages will arrive before Christmas).

Please take note: This year I will not be accepting any actual items for the care packages, other than the cards or letters made or written.  There will be a baking day at some point in November, to send homemade treats to those deployed.  Since my living situation has changed, I need to take on a new approach. My commitment remains the same as it has since I started this project a decade ago:  to always support our valiant heroes, so none of them ever feel along on the battlefield, or when they return home.

Thank you in advance for making a huge difference through your generous donations and participation in “Mail Call for Our Heroes 2016″. 

Making Christmas Wishes ...

Believing in the magic of Christmas for our valiant heroes!



“The Sky Angel”

Robin Schmidt ~ PO Box 16796 ~ Seattle, WA 98116

for Fed Ex or UPS: 4412 California Ave SW #16796, Seattle, WA 98116

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2 Responses to ““Mail Call for Our Heroes 2016””

  1. Jane says:

    Hey soliders. I hope you guys like this one and .i want to thank you guys for your time and your service to help keep this country free and fighting for my kids.thank you

  2. Karen Lockaby says:

    Hi Robin!

    I sent your website out to my 142 employees. Most are retired Army. I wish I had seen this earlier! I had a pen pal during the Gulf War and we kept in touch many years later! Thanks for doing this!


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