Mail Call for Our Heroes 2010

Sgt. Tim Gallagher playing Santa by delivering cards in Dec 2009

Since 2002 I have been ‘adopting’ troops who are on deployment in Iraq, Afghanistan, & other parts of the globe.  The service members have explained to me over and over again, the importance of receiving mail to help them cope with the time away from their loved ones back home.  In an effort to uplift spirits and boost morale over the holidays, “The Sky Angel” is doing my third annual “Mail Call for Our Heroes”.

My goal: To raise $3,480 for 174 Roshan Scratch off Calling Cards (the calling cards needed in Afghanistan).  These particular cards cannot be purchased online or in any store in America.  The second aspect of this project, is to collect 174 individual cards, letters, or notes so each soldier will have a piece of mail to open over the holidays.  It would be wonderful for you to express your thoughts to any of the soldiers in this unit, and make the gift more personal for them.  :o)

To be a part of this special project for our heroes away from home, please send donations (checks should be payable to Robin Schmidt) to the address below.  If you would like to use a credit card or make a donation online, you can do so via PayPal to the email address of (or clicking on the donate button at the top of the ) .

Once I collect enough donations, I will work directly with Spc.AJ Kirkendall to purchase the Roshan Scratch Off Calling Cards for his unit.  He will be able to put them with the Christmas or holiday cards and have a ‘Mail Call’ for each soldier in his unit.

Santa Sgt. Tim Gallagher delivering smiles to Task Force Dirigo ~ Dec 2009

It seems a little early to talk about the holidays; but I need to act on it quickly so the cards are received in Afghanistan before Thanksgiving and Christmas come to pass. It currently takes 7 to 8 weeks for AJ to receive any mail from me, which already puts time constraints on this project.  If there is a windfall, and I am able to get donations that exceed the need for “The Gators”,  I will distribute  Calling Cards to the other soldiers I have “adopted” and the  Combat Surgical Hospital in Afghanistan.  In order to get the holiday cards to AJ and him to have the money in time, the deadline for this project will be 1 October, 2010.

If each of us takes action … we can change the world … one  life, one person at a time.

Thanks so much for helping make a difference for member of “The Gators” in Spc. AJ Kirkendall’s this holiday season!

Robin Schmidt
PO Box 122037

Covington, KY 41012-2037


Always, Robin

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One Response to “Mail Call for Our Heroes 2010”

  1. jodi says:

    Hey, that’s us! You are definately an angel! Those rochon cards came in handy and what we didn’t use we gave it to the unit replacing us. They also spent christmas away. Thank you robin!

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