Kentucky’s Everyday Heroes 2

Steve Flairty’s Kentucky’s Everyday Heroes #2, two years in the writing, includes Delta flight attendant Robin Schmidt. Schmidt, a resident of Covington, Ky, has been recognized nationally for her support of U.S. military personnel around the world. She is one of Flairty’s twenty-six citizens he portrays in the Bluegrass State who “by their actions, serve to inspire others to greater works of character.”

WOW! What can I possibly say? It is so weird for me to be writing a blog about this!  You see, I have been honored to be chosen as one of the individuals in “Kentucky’s Everyday Heroes 2” by Steve Flairty. When I received an autographed copy and such a beautiful letter from Steve yesterday, I could not help to hold back my emotions. This is such a tremendous compliment!

For your own book (personally autographed by me), send a check or money order, along with your shipping information to the address below. The price is $14.50 (no additional taxes or shipping fees). Checks should be payable to: Robin Schmidt

If you choose to pay through my website ( the price will be $16.50 to offset the fees charged by PayPal. In the comments, be sure to include your shipping information on the PayPal website.

This is a very high honor for me, and I simply cannot wait to share the entire book with you. Not only will you love the chapter about me, but you will be fascinated by the stories of the amazing heroes Steve has written about! (do you have ANY idea how awesome and weird this is???)

If you can help me to get the word out to boost sales of the book, that would be wonderful! It is available on other websites, but Steve wants me to have an opportunity to raise money for my cause of supporting the troops by offering it to you directly, without anyone else making a profit. 😉

Much love and gratitude, for you being such valued members of my life and helping me to become the person I have become! However … I do truly believe the real heroes are the people who put themselves in harms way, in order to serve and protect us every single day … in many types of jobs, in many aspects of life.

Of course, a very special note of gratitude to Steve Flairty for choosing me as one of his heroes. (Thank you also, to Debbie Kohl Kremer, for suggesting Steve interview me, and for the beautiful article you wrote about my support of the troops in the Cincinnati Inquirer last October … THAT changed my life forever!) There are no words to truly describe how it feels to be placed in the company of these extraordinary individuals in Kentucky’s Everyday Heroes 2. !!


Robin Schmidt
PO Box 122037
Covington, KY 41012-2037

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2 Responses to “Kentucky’s Everyday Heroes 2”

  1. Jane says:

    Robin!! Wow – I stumbled on your website the other day and could not believe my eyes…. what in the world have you been up to all these years girlfriend? Now, I know. Changing the world, 1 step at a time. Keep it up Ro!!


  2. Jane … so nice to be found and seen by you! Some things NEVER change … I still have that same heart, but found ways to actually MAKE THE DIFFERENCE I wanted to make in the world. :o) Can’t wait to catch up with you!

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