The entire month of May I will be collecting items for July 4th care packages for our troops overseas. It is imperative to boost moral to the men & women who sacrifice so very much to honor and serve our Nation.
In an attempt to do so, I would like to collect as many thank you & Independence day cards / notes of gratitude to share with them as possible. While school is still in session, please have your kids classes make cards for our troops. Get your local church, senior center, rotary clubs, favorite gym … any place you can think of .. to get involved!! 🙂
Special requests for 4th of July care packages are:
* Twin Sheet Sets
* Sweat Pants (Combat Surgical Hospital)
* I-Tunes Gift Cards
*Anti Fatigue Mats (guards on duty)
* Plastic Soap dishes
* Stress balls
* Coffee
* Coffee Creamer
* Band-aids
* Cold medicine
* Anti Diarrhea meds (Immodium)
* Small (8-10″ electrical fans)
* Bug spray
* Suntan Lotion
* Aloe cream / gel
* Toiletries (shoe powder, deoderant, shaving cream, … etc)
* Blank stationary (cards or paper w/ envelopes so they can write to their loved ones back home .. stamps are not needed, as they can mail for free from their base while on deployment)
* Junk food (beef jerky, fruit snacks and Gold Fish have been specifically requested for my next packages)
If you would like to send gift cards, rather than shipping the items to me., that would be GREAT!! Wal-Mart, Costco, Big Lots and American Express gift cards are the BEST! 🙂
Please ship cards or any of the above donations to:
Robin Schmidt
PO Box 122037
Covington, KY 41012-2037
Thanks so much for helping me to make a difference for our troops … and remind each of them how grateful we are for their service! PS. You can also click on the “donate” button on my website and make a donation instantly .. (or you can mail a check to the above address as well!) Money for postage is always needed and appreciated!! THANKS AGAIN!
Always, Robin
Absolutely! Feel free to share any information you would like .. and if you have any questions please contact me via email to: .
Thank you so very much for your compliments.
My only resources are my personal experiences, which I will continue to share accordingly.