The Fixer …

The Fixer …

 Each day in Haiti, I asked someone “what is our motto today”?  The last day I was told “The Fixer” … which was so appropriate for what needed to happen.  If I have not explained previously, life for the Haitian people is extremely difficult right now.  Don’t get me wrong, I believe life in Haiti was difficult before the earthquake.  But what happened in 30 seconds on 12 January 2010 was devastating.

Imagine your life as you know it .. the house you live in .. the car you drive .. the people you interact with on a daily basis.  And just put yourself in an environment you are used to .. some place you thing of as ordinary.  Then imagine having the earth shake .. and every person you know, die before your very eyes.  Or your house crumbling to pieces.  That is what happened to so many of the people we met.
One of our “fixers” is an English professor.  But the need for someone who speaks English is on a much different level presently.  He uses his talents and contacts to help people like Eric Klein make a difference in Haiti.  Without the “fixers” to literally coordinate fuel, trucks,, workers on the streets … or  accomodations and transportation for the volunteers .. nothing would get done.
Many places in the world call a “fixer” different names.  Now that I am back in my comfortable home, where I have electricity and running water, and all the modern conveniences … I am thinking of how much a fixer would come in handy. 
Not so much to handle my day to day needs, but someone who knows how to bring communities together to work for the common good of every person involved.  We can all learn from them.  Zoe shared the beauty of taking me to church with him on Sunday.  I was the only white woman in attendance.  Yet I felt so at peace and a sense of belonging.  You see, it doesn’t matter what your religious beliefs are .. and it doesn’t matter what country you are from .. if we each can reach out to one another with love and acceptance, it equates to HOPE.
Today, I want to take time to thank Zoe and Andre for not only giving their own people hope .. but for sharing the gift of who they are with each person they meet.  May you be blessed for your kindness and tenacity.  Thank you for giving each member of the CAN DO team peace of mind, by knowing you will fix anything … or give us the ability to make a difference!  
Remember, Hurricane season is nearing .. and the need for sustainable housing is extreme in Haiti.  Please make a donation today to to help with relief efforts and keep CAN DO on the ground, giving the people hope and the ability to survive.

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