Christmas Miracles for our troops, a HUGE thank you!

As the Christmas Care packages have been arriving to military bases in Afghanistan and Germany, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank each of you (from literally all over the world!!!) for your involvement with “Mail Call for Our Heroes 2012”.

Notice the smiles of this Marine unit at Camp Leatherneck, in front of their tree … and their wall paper of cards. Just brings tears of joy to my eyes, knowing how much of an impact the care packages mean to each of them.


It really is difficult to imagine what it is like to be serving in the Armed Forces, or be faced with the challenges of being in a war zone any time of the year.   Yet, from the reports I have been receiving from our troops overseas; the boxes filled with surprises (I can’t ruin all the fun!  lol), toiletries, junk food, books, Christmas trees, decorations, homemade treats, and all the items for their bomb sniffing dogs; has made a tremendous impact on their hearts and souls.  There are friends of mine who have baked from all over the country and sent cookies, and I know those boxes are still arriving (thank you!!!).

A group of my friends locally helped to bake 75 dozen cookies, make 15 lbs of fudge … and we filled up 48 tins of “homemade goodies”. 🙂

A very special request came in this year, from a National Guard unit; where they have children who have died in local orphanages in previous years, because they were unable to find warmth.  The request was simple.  “Can you please send hats, gloves, mittens, and scarves to help keep the kids warm”.  No one hesitated at the thought of helping the locals and fulfilled this wish within days.


My project has so many elements of it … making sure each unit has items to decorate with, goodies to make it feel, smell, and taste like “home”.  I also strive to ensure that each member of each unit I support, at least has a card to open on Christmas day.  This year through all of my networking, I was able to collect and send 4,857 cards ~ that have been forwarded on to service members in places I never could have fathomed.  Locally, I need to send a huge shout out has to go to Mercer Island Elementary School; who did a Veteran’s Day “Parade” and collected probably thousands of dollars worth of items to be sent in care packages.  (next year I need to learn how to ask for donations for postage and packing tape better! … valuable lesson.  lol).  Also, I have to thank Islander Middle School for their students and the way they were so involved with writing cards and letters.  It truly was a blessing for me personally, to interact with them as they wrote words of praise and encouragement to our troops. ( Click here to view the article from the Mercer Island Reporter Newspaper )


Every step of the way, God provided.  The very last day packages could be sent parcel post (which most of mine were, because of their size), a miraculous donation came in to cover what was needed for the remaining postage costs ~ and enabled me to purchase 50 calling cards for our 101st Airborne Unit; so each of them would have a way to call home for the holidays, and while they are in transit (many of them are not near bases because of their missions).


All in all, 58 care packages were sent; including three 6-8 ft artificial Christmas trees that were generously donated ~ and 11 different service members get to play Santa for their units this holiday season.  It would not have been possible without the help of each person who graciously gave of your time, donations, or energy.   The Combat Surgical Hospital in Afghanistan and Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany, are deeply appreciative that their staff and Wounded Warriors have been remembered as well.

Yours truly, buried in boxes at the post office … the clerk was SO happy to help us to send “holiday cheer” to our brave heroes!!


Thank you, from the bottom of my heart …. for helping to make Christmas miracles come true … and for touching the lives of the brave men & women who sacrifice so very much for each of us, on a daily basis.  There are so many beautiful stories I could share with you, but sometimes I have to keep them to myself, in order to protect the units I have adopted … but I just want you to know, we are all making a huge impact; and thousands of heroes lives are touched by love, compassion, and caring.


May your Christmas be blessed, and your New Year bring you joyous memories to last a lifetime.




“The Sky Angel”

The Sky Angel ~ PO Box 449 ~ Mercer Island, WA 98040

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4 Responses to “Christmas Miracles for our troops, a HUGE thank you!”

  1. Maria Fernanda says:

    Great work Robin!!!

  2. Juli Eichler (UAL/ret) says:

    Fantastic Robin!! Thank you & Happy Holidays!! 🙂

  3. John says:

    Always a GOOD thing coming from you! WTG!

  4. Dean says:

    Great Job Robin as you are doing great things for those serving. You really have earned your name and wings as Our SkyAngel. Love Paula and Dean

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