A special gift for our 3/5 Darkhorse Marines … won’t you be a part of it???


One of my heroes, reading his journals ...

As you may or may not know, one of the things I do for our troops is journals.  On my domestic flights I make an announcement asking passengers to “write words of encouragement, prayers, draw pictures, tell jokes or anything they would want to read if they were away from their loved ones for any length of time”.  This is what made me “famous” by most peoples standards.  Ironically, the journals  are just a small portion of what I do for our valiant heroes on a regular basis.  Some of the troops I have supported have never gotten a journal.  Those who have love them, but I am thankful there are those troops who realize the value of a care package, the sentiment of a letter, and the prayers I send up daily are also just as important.  Getting others involved in supporting our troops is my goal, so none of them will ever feel alone on the battlefield, or when they come home.  


That being said, every service member I have ever done the journals for has cherished them.  They have said “it is difficult for me to keep them in my hands, because my buddies always want to see what people have written”.  One of my heroes told me the journals meant more to him after he got home.  He still reads them three years later “as a way to deal with the fact that I was away from my son when he was 3 years old and I missed out on so many ‘firsts’ “.  Often times they tear pages of the journals out and carry a page with them on a mission.  Words from a complete stranger give hope.  Let that resonate for a moment and you know why the journals will always be special to myself and anyone who does them for our troops.  They are a beautiful way to rally people together ~~ and remind folks we have wars going on in two countries, and troops who need our support.   


As I was walking around the city of Brotherly love on my layover earlier, I was thinking about the 3/5 Darkhorse Marines I was asked to “adopt” in November 2010.  Reviewing stories that have been shared with me since writing that first email, and contemplating the beautiful gift they sent, that I got on my birthday.  (If I have not told you about that, look for an upcoming post about one of the most precious gifts I have ever received in all my days of existence.)   All of the sudden, as I took each step, an idea popped into my head.  An awesome idea, if I do say so myself.  hehehe  

You see, I am flying international trips right now, and cannot do the journals for our troops for various reasons.    I’ve been working extra hard to support this particular unit because of the vast amount of casualties.  That is why in mid January I came up with the innovative idea to ask Facebookers to change their profile picture to a Superhero in honor of our Veterans and Active Military who put their lives on the line every singe day for our every day freedoms.  (Please ask those people you know on Facebook to do this through 14Feb, as it is the only Valentine some of our troops will get!  Share with those you know who are deployed, so they know we are sending them this Virtual Valentine!  )

However, I want something tangible for these specific Marines.  Something to honor the sacrifices their battle buddies have endured, and to remember those who have given their lives to serve our nation.   

So this is what I am going to do.  As of today, I am going to ask you to write me letters (hand written or typed), send a card, photograph, anything you want me to put in a journal specifically for the 3/5 Darkhorse Marines.  What I plan to do with the items you send me, is make a journal for this unit.  The idea is spawned from what Hannahkohl did for our Wounded Warriors for Christmas, what I have done on the airplane for our troops for years now, and of course ~~ wanting them to have a keepsake like no other.   

General Amos & The Sky Angel ~ Bethesda, Oct 2010

Any cards or letters need to be on 5×7 paper or smaller if possible.  Although I have rec’d some items on 8 1/2 x 11 paper and will make them work, the smaller items will enable me to fit more of your words in the 20 page scrapbook I am making for this project.

It has been an honor to me to have been asked to support this unit, to boost morale over the holidays, when many of them were feeling the sadness of what was going on around them.  These are some of the bravest men you will ever come across.  The only ones I have ever met, are those who were in the hospitals at Bethesda, Walter Reed, or Brooke Army Medical.  Recently I was asked to attend a Memorial Service for the Fallen when the unit returns home from Afghanistan.  That is when I plan to give this particular gift to the 1stSgt I have been supporting.  Take time today to help me with this project for our 3/5 Darkhorse Marines … it is the least we can do for any one of them, and since I am not the most artistic person in the world … I need all the help I can get!   

Please help me … share your thoughts.  Email me :  supportourheroes@live.com  .. on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/TheSkyAngel or send a card , letter, or photograph (Please NO POSTCARDS as there is no way to present them so the front & back can be read) that you want me to include in the scrapbook to:  

Robin Schmidt  

PO Box 122037  

Covington, KY 41012-2037  


Help me make this project special … because it is all about the honorable and valiant sacrifices these complete strangers have made for each and every one of us .. and that is why I call them HEROES.   

PS.  In my photos you often will see Tigger.  One of my heroes asked me to take photos of Tigger in my travels, as a way to honor our troops. So that is why you see him with me … all over the globe.  whooo whooo whoo  

The Sky Angel wore her tshirt in honor of the Marines she is supporting .. and gave Tigger to a little boy with leukemia. What an AMAZING day!!

Thank you to all of our valiant heroes serving our Nation and bringing the world hope!   



AKA … The Sky Angel

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12 Responses to “A special gift for our 3/5 Darkhorse Marines … won’t you be a part of it???”

  1. Tracie says:

    My dear sweet Robin- I know why God put us in each others life from the first email, to our visit we did with the wounded at Knott’s, and to our visits with tthe wounded, and all our brain storming in between. You have a great idea as always! Here is what I can do to help. How about I get jouranals started here at Parris Island from Marine Drill Instructors and families? I can be working on that for you my friend!

  2. Hannahkohl Almire says:

    LOVE THIS IDEA! I’ll send you a letter over inbox asap. And just let me know who my new profile picture is going to be 🙂 Your Amazingggg! Will try and get more letters from students in my grade and send them to you.


  3. KImberley Clark Kartchner says:

    I am speechless! What a great woman you are , I am so proud to call you my friend. You are my hero Robin! So glad to know you!!!
    I have so much respect and love for you!

    I am currently in London, on my wall to Africa! We need more people in the world like you!!

    Will be in touch!! WHen I return back to the United States.


  4. Ryan Rust says:


    What a great job! We are always glad to help. We love supporting the 3/5 and all the other Marines, Sailors, Airman and Soldiers deployed.
    Love Ryan and Family

  5. Tracie ~~ Thank you SO MUCH for getting the Marine Drill Instructors and families involved with this project! Not sure what to expect from “the world”, but I do know God will honor all of our efforts. It is such a privilege to support the 3/5 Marines and I cannot wait to meet them! … You inspire me to greatness, my dear friend!

  6. Hannahkohl, you can pick out your own Superhero photo. 🙂 Thanks for helping me with this project. The cards or letters you write will be going directly to a 1stSgt in the 3/5 who I have been supporting on their deployment. He will then share the journal I make with ALL of his Marines. Anything you can do would be incredible .. and I may need to ask for your advice on how to put it all together.

  7. Kim, thank you so much for your encouragement! Have safe travels, and if you want to email me anything from wherever you are, that I can hand write and include in the journal to the 3/5 Marines, please just let me know. supportourheroes@live.com

  8. Ryan, if there are any words you want to send via email that I can hand write and include in the journal to the 3/5, please send them to me: supportourheroes@live.com
    How can I ever thank you, your dad, or all of your contacts for helping me get the 3/5 Lima Company and MWHS ALL adopted for the holidays? That was just SO COOL! You are awesome!!

  9. […] The Sky Angel's Blog Support our Heroes « A special gift for our 3/5 Darkhorse Marines … won’t you be a part of it??? […]

  10. Trish says:

    Robin, you are AMAZING – and thank God for wonderful people like you in this world – day-to-day can be very discouraging at times, but you bring a smile and so much needed joy to others – God bless you for being YOU!! Big Hugs – XOXO <3

  11. Julie says:

    yep. I saw this on I send food they can carry with every shipment, uslaluy tuna in pouches, good chocolate, gatoraid/electrolite singles,Maxim,(my son’s recommendation)cookies wipes chap-stick visene cookies. I ask them to tell me what they needie; batteries, flashlights anything but they never ask for anything. Do you have any recomendatiuns? 2 are in Iraq and 1 in A-stan.The people I send to get either no mail from home or little.I don’t understand it..-= Dorothy Healy s last blog .. =-.

  12. Robin says:

    I don’t understand why you are responding to a blog post from several years ago. If you have specific questions or comments about what I am currently doing for the troops, please let me know. Thank you.

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