Posts Tagged ‘Holiday Miracles’

“Mail Call for Our Heroes 2017”

Wednesday, October 4th, 2017

While volunteering at Ground Zero in New York City in September 2001, I made a promise to a Marine that I would support our military the best I could from that day forward. Since that point in time I have sent care packages to over 150 service members & their units. None of this would have been possible without your financial support over the years or help writing words of encouragement & gratitude to those serving far away from home.

Our troops have expressed to me over and over again the importance of having their name called at “Mail Call”. It helps them cope with the distance between them & their loved ones and boosts morale. For that reason, I created “Mail Call for Our Heroes” in 2006. My goal is to have each service member have at least one piece of mail to open over the holidays (if not more).


WO1 Rachael Washburn O’Brien – Blackhawk Pilot 

Over the years I have been blessed beyond measure to get to know and become friends with some of the soldiers I have supported. This year “Mail Call for Our Heroes” is for two of those soldiers.  Last week I had the honor of attending Rachael’s mobilization ceremony in Oregon, which is when the above photo was taken. Telling her “until next time” was incredibly difficult for me. Her best friend, Erin has been in Afghanistan for a few months now.  Care packages will go to these two service members, as well as the Wounded Warrior hospital in Landstuhl, Germany & a Marine family based in Japan.

If you could once again help me by writing cards & letters, or making cards with your kids; that would be amazing! Please feel free to get your children’s schools, boy/girl scouts & clubs, senior citizens homes, churches, social clubs, and families involved. Having you and your loved ones express your thoughts & appreciation to our service members will make such a difference for them this holiday season. The troops love receiving the cards gathered from across the globe for them!

If you would like to contribute monetarily towards contents of the care packages or postage to ship them; these are the two ways to donate.

PayPal to:

Or send a check/money order to the address below.  Please keep in mind donations are NOT tax deductible as I do all this out of the kindness of my heart and do not want the hassle of becoming a non-profit.  Please know I cannot possibly send any packages without your donations or cards/letters & I will post photos & videos on social media to provide proof I am doing with your money what I have promised I will do with it.

The deadline for me to receive your cards/letters or donations is Veterans Day, 11 November, 2017. This will give me time to bake, purchase items to go in the care packages (Christmas trees, ornaments, decorations, holiday cheer), and put everything together so I can mail the packages so they arrive to their destinations before Christmas. Donations received after that date will still be sent – just may be after the holidays. (I do all of this between work trips at my full time job as a flight attendant).

The generosity of your time and desire to assist me with this project each year is overwhelming.  Thank you in advance for making “Mail Call for Our Heroes 2017” a success. My goal is to have none of our service members ever feel alone on the battlefield, or when they return home.



“The Sky Angel”

Robin Schmidt

PO Box 1494

Mercer Island, WA 98040

“Mail Call for Our Heroes 2016”

Friday, September 16th, 2016

“Mail Call for Our Heroes 2016″


Wow, what a year this has been!  Sorry I have not blogged at all, but I have been caught up with life issues and using Facebook and other social media to keep everyone up to date.  With all the changes in my personal life, I am making some changes to this years “Mail Call for Our Heroes”. I do have to apologize that with moving so many times this year, I have not any idea where my photos are from last years care packages – so I am sharing ones from years prior.  Hope you don’t mind.  🙂

Since 2002 I have been ‘adopting’ troops serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Enduring Freedom, and Operation New Dawn all over the globe. Our service members have expressed to me, over and over again, the importance of receiving mail and hearing their name called at Mail Call. It helps them to cope with the time away from their loved ones back home & having their name called at Mail Call.  For that reason, to uplift spirits and boost morale over the holidays, “The Sky Angel” is doing my tenth annual “Mail Call for Our Heroes”.

1SGT Miah Washburn recipient of “Mail Call for Our Heroes 2014”

This year “Mail Call for Our Heroes” is for a soldier and his unit that are deployed in Kuwait and the units they support that are deployed “downline”. I also will be sending Christmas decorations and surprises to a Marine EOD family that recently was sent to Japan for the next three years.  Additionally, as I do every year, I will send needed items to Landstuhl Regional Medical Center for the staff and our Wounded Warriors in Germany. You will also find me volunteering a bit more often at the SeaTac USO; beginning in late October & through the holidays … so please come look for me, if you are in the airport!

My goals: 1) To raise $$$$ for holiday care packages including Christmas trees with all the decorations, toiletries, homemade treats, clothing for our Wounded Warriors, goodies for our canine heroes, and postage to ship the care packages. 

2)  Collect individual cards, letters, or notes so each service member in each unit or at the hospitals will have a piece of mail to open over the holidays.

Having you and your loved ones express your thoughts to the service members in these units will make such a difference for them this holiday season. Please feel free to get your children’s schools, girl/boy scouts, senior citizens homes, churches, social clubs, and families involved!  The troops love receiving the cards gathered from across the world for them!!


Santa arrived in Kuwait … via “Mail Call for Our Heroes 2013”

Please send donations (checks or money orders need to be payable to Robin Schmidt) to the address below. (Donations are not tax deductible as I do this out of the kindness of my heart and do not want the hassle of becoming a non-profit).  If you would like to make a donation online, you can do so via PayPal to the email address of: (or clicking on the donate button at the top of )

The deadline for me to receive any cards or letters to the troops, or cash donations need to be arrived in my mailbox no later than Veteran’s Day (11 November 2016) to ensure they arrive overseas before Christmas.  Any items received after the deadline will still be sent and appreciated (I just cannot guarantee the care packages will arrive before Christmas).

Please take note: This year I will not be accepting any actual items for the care packages, other than the cards or letters made or written.  There will be a baking day at some point in November, to send homemade treats to those deployed.  Since my living situation has changed, I need to take on a new approach. My commitment remains the same as it has since I started this project a decade ago:  to always support our valiant heroes, so none of them ever feel along on the battlefield, or when they return home.

Thank you in advance for making a huge difference through your generous donations and participation in “Mail Call for Our Heroes 2016″. 

Making Christmas Wishes ...

Believing in the magic of Christmas for our valiant heroes!



“The Sky Angel”

Robin Schmidt ~ PO Box 16796 ~ Seattle, WA 98116

for Fed Ex or UPS: 4412 California Ave SW #16796, Seattle, WA 98116

My Letter to Santa ~ Christmas 2015

Tuesday, December 1st, 2015

1 December 2015
Dear Santa ~

This is such a busy time of year for you and your elves! Earlier today I took the time to hand write you a letter and am planning on having a passenger deliver it to you at the North Pole on one of my fights. But in case you have someone reading the internet ~ I wanted to send it to you via both methods.

My dad used to tell me when I was little “every time you see the sky pink or red, Mrs. Claus is baking cookies”. That memory from my childhood often crosses my mind as I watch the glow of the sunset from the windows, serving passengers on my flights.

Although I know you have so many boys and girls to grant wishes for, the inner child inside of me; is really needing some Christmas miracles for the full grown adult I am now.

You see, so many people ask what I want for Christmas. But I know the difference between “wants” and “needs”. Before I explain my own needs, I would like to ask you to look after the needs of others. Those suffering from depression ~ please bring them peace of mind. Those battling some form of addiction ~ help them to get the help they need, so they can be healthier and a more active member of society. Those contemplating divorce, help them to have honest, open communication with their spouse. Guide them to do what is best for their children and family unit as a whole. Those who are living in fear of any kind ~ please show them compassion and help them to find ways to laugh during really difficult times.

Help all of humanity to reach out with love and compassion towards others. Stop the hatred. This world needs a whole lot of help right now. So I ask you to work your magical powers to bring sustaining joy that lives in each and every heart, throughout the year. Please help to soften those hearts that are hardened and heal broken relationships between individuals, races, religions, and countries that are in constant battle.

Be with the reindeer and sing joyful songs to our service members far away from home. Bestow miracles to them and their families. Please care for their families that are at home and bring them extra blessings.

You see, Santa, I feel so badly asking for anything at all ~ when there are so many others with needs around the world. But Dad also taught me “if you don’t ask ~ you will never know the answer”.

Last year I asked you for a boyfriend. A man who has a heart of compassion, be my best friend, confidant, cheerleader, lover, and future husband. Someone who would be my perfect match in so many varying ways ~ full of wanderlust, affection, and the desire to touch lives in a positive manner. The man who will be just as equally in love with me as I will be with him, and give me his heart, as I give all the same in return.

During the past year I realized I no longer NEED that man to complete me. It is rather what I WANT. Someone to share my life with on every level ~ and maybe that is why you held off on that special gift for me last year. Now I am asking and believing you are working out the fine details with angels here on earth and in Heaven. After all, I know you have the ability to hear my prayers to God, just like He knows I am writing you this letter.

What I do know is I have been working very hard on making myself a priority this year. I learned the words “boundaries” and “limitations” and actually how to apply them in my life. I also continued to get rid of the people and things that are not good for my overall well being.

You see, I really wanted to be on your “good” list, because my needs are pretty significant. With all the hope of Christmas wishes come true for a child on Christmas morning, I am asking for a new place to live. A place I can afford, in a safe environment, and finally a place I really feel at peace. I haven’t had that in so long ~ I don’t remember what it feels like.

I am also asking for continued improvements with my health. In order to be able to afford a place on my own, I know I need to somehow reduce my out of pocket medical expenses monthly. However as things are today, I need the treatments I am receiving in order to continue working and be able to do the job I love as a flight attendant. Feel free to take Throb away once and for all. That would be the greatest miracle EVER. (well, next to a husband … hehehe)

With moving, I need financial miracles to make it happen. The elves probably already shared with you about the crime in my apartment complex. Without forced entry on any of the break-ins, I just don’t feel safe at all. Yet my faith is probably my greatest ally. I really am not attached to material possessions, unless they have sentimental value. Having my stuff stolen in the storage closet just made me more aware of the crime in my apartment complex and put me more and more on edge.

In order to move, I need help more than just financially. I need physical help to help me emotionally deal with the psychological aspects of looking for a place to live. I also need physical help to pack up my apartment, pay for movers (because of the experience I had moving into this apartment where I am now – I know it is the only way to get the furniture over the balcony). I also need help to unpack and get settled into my new place.

Because of my physical limitations, I know I am asking for a whole lot here. Santa, the stress I am dealing with has been overwhelming to me at times. I often keep it inside and then act like a three year old, having a complete meltdown. Getting so upset that I cry for hours on end, because I don’t know how else to express myself. That is why I chose to write you this letter today. I am asking you to bless me with the miracles of quality time of family and friends this Holiday Season. I want to continue to help your elves, but I just have to rely on you to help take care of my needs, so I can help take care of the needs of others.

You know my financial and physical limitations. Your elves are like God’s angels and they are definitely looking after me.

Thank you for all the help with the care packages for “Mail Call for Our Heroes 2015” and I entrust you to deliver those parcels at exactly the right time, to our valiant heroes overseas. I know our troops really need the morale boost and I did the best I could to share love from various sources with those cards and letters.

Wherever I am, I ask you to help use me as a vessel of love, laughter, and joy to those I encounter ~ throughout the holiday season and every day of the year.

Santa, I know this letter is long, but I really needed to get all of my thoughts out before I hand the written letter to someone to deliver to you at the North Pole. I’ve really been stressed out about not being able to “do more”; but I know my highest priority has to be my own safety. Any gifts I would normally give my family or closest friends will be waiting until I am more on my feet and secure financially. They would want that from me anyway. This year I am simply humbling myself to BE and BELIEVE. I need to be more open to receiving, rather than feeling like I have to do something in order to receive. Or that I have to somehow “perform” in order to be accepted and loved exactly as I am.

As I bring this letter to a close, I am going to add my “wish list” of items I would just like to have. They are absolutely wants and not nearly as important as my safety or security. But in case anyone asks you how they can help me … here goes.

• Quality time with family and friends
• A card or letter from someone expressing how I have impacted their life
• A gift certificate to Linden & Spa in Eureka, CA so Linden can do my hair
• Gift cards to NK Nails in Westwood Village. Hannah & Mary are the best!
• A sharp knife set (mine are really dull)
• To see Christmas Lights in Leavenworth
• A new coffee maker (with auto shut off) – white
• Gift cards for groceries and gas: Fred Meyer, Costco, Rite Aid (for prescriptions), or West Seattle produce for fresh fruits & veggies
• Not to feel guilty or alone this holiday season
• To create positive memories and be a joy to others
• To be a blessing in spite of my own circumstances and honor Erland’s promise he made me make to “celebrate life every single day”. Even during the toughest of days – I still remember to be thankful for this life I have.
Of course, I do want to thank you for taking the time to read this letter from the grown up me. I am doing everything I can to hold on for my ZEN place and keep believing in the absolute miracles of the Christmas Season.

Thank you also, Santa, for helping remind me through writing to you ~ that when I state my wants and needs ~ it helps me to find peace of mind. Thank you also for the blessings of being able to decorate at the USO at SeaTac yesterday. I really felt such a sense of peace while doing so and it helped me to honor my mom’s memory in such a special, beautiful manner. After 19 years of her being gone, yesterday was simply magical. I felt like I could feel the brush of her angel’s wings and see her smile. Thank you for that miracle and for the way the center looked when I finished. I pray it blesses every service member, family member of the military, Veteran, and the USO staff, throughout the Season.

If you can sneak into my mailbox to deliver anything – I will leave you goodies there. With all that is going on, I guess the best way for you to deliver my miracles is vicariously – or send to my address below.

Much gratitude to my dad for teaching me to always believe in the magic of Christmas and for all the angels he celebrates with in Heaven daily. I really feel like such a little kid sometimes … hoping for the impossible, but knowing with faith; anything is possible.

Merry Christmas to you and all your helpers this Holiday Season.

“The Sky Angel”



Robin Schmidt ~ PO Box 16796 ~ Seattle, WA 98116

Fed Ex or UPS:
Robin Schmidt ~ 4412 California Ave SW #16796 ~ Seattle, WA 98116


Any elves or earthly angels who want to help via PayPal can send to: