Posts Tagged ‘3/5 Darkhorse’

Special request for our Wounded Warriors …

Wednesday, July 16th, 2014

Ladies and Gentlemen ~


This is a very special request as it touches my heart in a very deep way.  One of the things that has given me strength the past few years, was remembering the Wounded Warriors I have met in hospital rooms from Bethesda, Brooke Army Medical Center, Walter Reed, Balboa, and Landstuhl.  The sacrifices that have been made for our freedoms are tremendous.  Never will I forget being asked “does it bother you that I have no legs or an arm, or that I have a scar from my shoulder to my pelvis?”  My response was “I didn’t even notice, I was too busy admiring the hero looking at me”.  Every time I have spent time with our Wounded Warriors, my life has been impacted in a significant way.


That is why, when I was asked to help collect items for the WIVES of our WOUNDED WARRIORS I said I would write this blog and ask for help from the public at large, to make this project a huge success.  What we need are lightly used (or new) and in good condition from the following list; for the wives to wear at the Wounded Warrior Ball.  All colors, shapes, and sizes.  🙂


* Shoes

* Jewelry

* Long or short dresses

* Nice pants

* Dressy tops

Next week I have a layover in San Diego, so I would like to hand deliver any of the above items to my friend, Lori, who asked for my help.  If you live in the Seattle area, please contact me to make arrangements for me to collect any of the above from you.  (no later than 24July for a face to face meeting or me to pick up in person).


If you cannot make that deadline or you live out of the area, you can either ship directly to me at: Robin Schmidt, PO Box 16796, Seattle, WA 98116 or email me at for me to respond to you with an address you can ship the items to in San Diego.  Additionally, if any of you would like to make a monetary donation so Lori and I can pick up items at consignment stores, you can do so via PayPal to: .

The deadline for any items to be received for this project is no later than 24August, 2014 as I have to make sure Lori has everything in the San Diego area before the Wounded Warrior Ball.  This morning I found two dresses in my closet to donate and will be going through my shoes later today.  What do you have in YOUR closets that you don’t ever wear??? (Men, if you have a wife or girlfriend that take up two closets with their clothes, could you encourage them to look and see if there is ANYTHING they can donate to this worthwhile cause??? Thank you!!!)

Long and short dresses for the Wives of our Wounded Warriors

Long and short dresses for the Wives of our Wounded Warriors


Thank you in advance for your kind donation, and please keep in mind it is not tax deductible and this is simply a way to help the wives of our Wounded Warriors.  The least we can give them and their brave husbands; is a beautiful outfit to wear to the Wounded Warrior Ball.   May you be blessed immensely for all you do to help me support the troops.




“The Sky Angel”

New mailing address for “The Sky Angel”

Thursday, March 27th, 2014

As the seasons have changed, so has my life.  One HUGE event was me to moving closer to the airport.  Having sent eight care packages to our valiant heroes earlier this week; I want to make sure you update your records with the following information when helping with my commitment to make a difference in the world.



If sending United States Postal Service:

Robin Schmidt

PO Box 16796

Seattle, WA 98116


If sending Fed Ex or UPS:

Robin Schmidt

4412 California Ave SW #16796

Seattle, WA 98116


Please keep in mind this is NOT my physical address and is only a location to accept mail or packages.  If you ever want to make a donation towards care packages and would like to do it online, please log on to PayPal and send to:


Thanks so very much for your continued prayers, support, and all the smiles you help me bring to others.




“The Sky Angel”


PS.  The  website is back up and running, so feel free to share it with anyone you know who wants to adopt their own service member.

People Magazine, January 2010








Sending cards to Wounded Warriors – repost from 2010, still in effect

Monday, October 14th, 2013

THIS BLOG POST IS FROM 2010, however, I have made changes to it based on the changes that have occurred in my life since it was originally written.  Any cards sent to me will either be forwarded via mail to my contacts to distribute at the the Combat Surgical Hospital in Afghanistan, Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany, Walter Reed, Bethesda, or Brooke Army Medical Centers .  YOU MUST UNDERSTAND COMPLETELY THAT IF YOU SEND A LETTER TO “ANY SOLDIER” OR “A WOUNDED WARRIOR”, without an actual name, or contact, it will be thrown in the trash.  Please read below for details.  My current mailing address is as the bottom of this updated blog.  Thank you.

Thanks so much for ALL your support through the years with my efforts to support our valiant heroes both on the battlefield, or here at “home”.  The opportunities I have had to visit some of our Wounded Warriors over the years has changed my life forever.  When I have had a medical treatment I have felt scared or didn’t want to do (many of them in that 28 month time period of being on disability); I just remembered what was said to me in those hospital beds.  Those brave men are not broken individuals, they are heroes in every sense of the word … and my memories of time spent with them will always be inspirational.  While at the hospitals visiting our troops, I specifically asked what happens to cards where the envelope arrives without a specific person on it. 

The response at all locations has always been the same.  “Since 9/11 and the threat of anthrax, any letters/cards/packages sent to a Military facility without a specific name, are destroyed”.  On the internet many people email and say “send a card to “any soldier” or “any wounded hero”.  Please know these fall into the above category. If you or anyone you know wants to (and please, I encourage you to do so!!!) write a Wounded service member, please feel free to send them to me, (or any legitimate organization who says they will deliver them for you, there are plenty of them on the internet).  Our troops need and deserve our support and a card is such an easy way to uplift someone’s spirits.  Just write on the envelope “service member” or “wounded warrior” or something like that, and I will know NOT to open it. CARDS for CHRISTMAS must be received no later than 10December for Christmas delivery.  Anything received after this date will still be sent, it will just get there a little late.  (I accept cards all year round to support our Wounded Warriors and deployed service members).     May there one day soon be Peace On Earth.   Thanks so much for helping me spread this information across the airwaves, and a huge shout out to my personal heroes reading this message.


Also, as a side note, there are many wonderful organizations who do so much for our troops throughout the year.  If you sync up with Soldiers Angels or the Wounded Warrior Project (just to name two), I am sure they can also help you to get your cards delivered to our Wounded Warriors for the holidays.


Happy preparing for the Holidays …. !!!   

Always, Robin
“The Sky Angel”
Robin Schmidt
PO Box 449
Mercer Island, WA 98040                  
Robin Schmidt chosen as:  ABC World News “Person of the Week” 23 October 2009

A letter that brings me tears of joy and gratitude …

Wednesday, October 5th, 2011

Last night I was unable to sleep a wink.  Yesterday I had an occipital spinal block & the pain in my head was as intense as the ringing in my ears.  For a good part of the night, I literally prayed these words “God, although I am not able to fly right now, can you please give me some kind of sign that I am still doing what you want me to be doing?  Just some little hint that I am right where you want me to be.”  You will never believe how He responded.


Currently I am sitting at a Starbucks waiting for my doctors appointment, reading emails & responding to them.  For the past five minutes I have literally been blessed beyond measure and have such a flow of tears running down my face that all the other customers have left and the staff keeps asking me if I am ok.  But I just read this email and I can’t help but be filled with heart felt emotion … so much so, that I have to share it with you.


You see, I write to our troops every single week.  Sometimes it is just a postcard.  Sometimes I wonder if my letters matter.  But then I get something like this, and it just makes me see God smile.  I know He smiles at me daily, but sometimes I have blinders on.  Today I am stripped of all senses and my eyes are wide open.  You may need tissues like I did, before you read further.  Thank you for your support and encouragement, and please remember if you want to adopt your own service member to go to .

Dear Robin Schmidt,


I read the following article about your good works supporting our troops while you have been a Delta Flight Attendant.  It was in a newsletter that I receive from one of the local Marine Corps League supporters in the Northern California area where I live.

As a Veteran serving during the Vietnam War era (1966-1970), I remember the great treatment we service men received from the flight attendants on the planes we flew on going back home to the U.S.  Your article also reminded me of a female (an old girlfriend) friend of guy who became one of my  buddies that I had made while serving at a remote base in the Southern Philippines.  His ex-girlfriend became my pen pal who supported me while I was in the Philippines and Vietnam.  Her perfumed letters and words of encouragement and of everyday life back home helped me through those emotional times being single, 20/21, living in strange new lands where people had different lifestyles, weather climates and a war going on and missing home and my family.

You are an amazing lady.  Thank you for your support of our troops.  I wish you happiness and all the best that life can offer you.  “Thank You” to Delta Airlines for allowing you to do what you do.


Marty De Venuta

Air Force Vet

Delta Skymiles Customer

Mail Call for our Heroes 2011

Wednesday, September 28th, 2011

Santa Marcus ... with all those care packages ...

Since 2002 I have been ‘adopting’ troops who are on deployment in Iraq, Afghanistan, & other parts of the globe.  The service members have explained to me over and over again, the importance of receiving mail to help them cope with the time away from their loved ones back home.  In an effort to uplift spirits and boost morale over the holidays, “The Sky Angel” is doing my fourth annual “Mail Call for Our Heroes”.

My goal: To raise $4,000 for 45 AT&T Calling Cards (for our 1/6 “HARD” Marines), along with 4 Christmas trees with all the decorations for the 4 valiant heroes I am currently supporting in Iraq and Afghanistan (including the Combat Surgical Hospital in Afghanistan).  The money raised will also include the cost of postage to get the items to our deployed troops.  🙂 If you want to send calling cards to me, they must be AT&T and they must be for at least 500 minutes.

The second aspect of this project, is to collect 2,000 individual cards, letters, or notes so each service member in each unit I am supporting will have a piece of mail to open over the holidays.  It would be wonderful for you to express your thoughts to any of the service members in these units, so they feel a little less lonely as they serve our country far away from their loved ones.  Please get your childrens schools, girl/boy scouts, senior citizens homes, churches, social clubs, and families involved!

To be a part of this special project for our heroes away from home, please send donations (checks should be payable to Robin Schmidt) to the address below.  If you would like to use a credit card or make a donation online, you can do so via PayPal to the email address of (or clicking on the donate button at the top of the ) .

Last year the troops were ecstatic with how much I was able to send because of the generosity of everyone who got involved.  It was absolutely AMAZING to see how you all rallied with me at the last minute to take care of our 3/5 Marines.  Adopting the 1/6 “Hard” Marines is an extension of that commitment; one I do not take lightly.

After collecting enough money for the calling cards and decorations, I will “screen”  all the hand made cards & letters to make sure they are appropriate for our troops in harms way, or our Wounded Warriors.  My hope is to be able to visit with some of the Wounded at Bethesda, and Brooke Army Medical Center, like I did last year.  Actually as fate would have it, I was on a layover in Austin, TX Christmas day and delivered Christmas cards to the Wounded at BAMC.  It was probably one of the best Christmas’ I have ever had.  These Wounded Warriors need to be told face to face they are remembered, prayed for, and not broken.  I see them as whole individuals, who have sacrificed tremendously for our safety and freedoms.  Any extra cards will be hand delivered or mailed to those locations or sent to the Combat Surgical Hospital in Afghanistan.

Santa Sgt. Tim Gallagher delivering smiles to Task Force Dirigo ~ Dec 2009

It seems a little early to talk about the holidays; but I need to act on it quickly so the cards are received in Afghanistan before Thanksgiving and Christmas come to pass. It currently takes 3 to 4 weeks for some of the mail to get to one of the units in Afghanistan, which already puts time constraints on this project.  Yesterday I was actually told by one of the soldiers I support, that I have to have anything I am sending to her, mailed before 31October.  So please jump on this ASAP!  🙂

In order to get the holiday cards to Sgt. Hadzic and his 1/6 “Hard” Marine unit, the deadline for this project will be 11 November 2011. Perfect date to have everything to me by!  11/11/11 (Veteran’s Day).

If each of us takes action … we can change the world … one  life, one person at a time.

Thanks so much for helping make a difference for our valiant heroes and being a part of “Mail Call for Our Heroes 2011” !!  **If you have any other items you want me to include in the care packages, you can send them to the address below as well! (if you need a street address other than a PO Box, please let me know). Thanks again!**

Robin Schmidt

PO Box 449

Mercer Island, WA 98040


Always, Robin
“The Sky Angel”

A Gift of Love …

Sunday, February 13th, 2011

Devil Dogs of the 3/5 Marines ~ Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan

Have you ever received a gift that made your heart melt? One that every time you saw it, you got a lump in your throat?  Every time you tried to tell someone about it, you were filled with such emotion, your voice quivered and tears rolled down your cheeks?  Recently I received such a gift, but I continue to be at a loss for words.  Maybe it is just best  if I let the person who sent me the gift, explain...

3rd Marine Aircraft Wing FWD, Operation Enduring Freedom t-shirt

Dear Robin,

I will not lie to you and tell you that our time here was pleasant, however I would like to thank you for making our time here a little better with each care package we would receive.  I was extremely grateful to have been introduced to you, as I was always motivated to receive something from you, a care package from one of your friends, an email, the fudge and cookies, and those post cards, (I loved those!) and knowing that there was someone out there so giving, so caring, and willing to give
so much of her own time for me and more importantly my Marines, really gave me strength.
As well when I would tell my Marines about you, it would bring up their motivation (along with the treats), which is why they wanted you to have a unit T-shirt.  I flew a United States Flag for you, Robin, over our Camp here in Southern Afghanistan, where so many of us have paid the ultimate sacrifice.  I wanted you to have it being you are for sure one of the people we would gladly sacrifice for, you are a Great American and a wonderful person.
I will never be able to Thank you enough!
Master Sergeant Marcus R. Dawson USMC


Flags over Camp Leatherneck


My words continue to be caught up in the deep felt emotion I feel from this gift.  Believe it or not, I really am at a loss for the right words.  But I felt the need to write this blog not only to share the sentiment Marcus provided, but an extended “Thank You” to each of you who continue to help me to make a difference for Darkhorse & The Devil Dogs, and all of our valiant heroes.


United States Marine Corp Certificate


Marcus, it has been an absolute honor to support you and your Marines.  Thank you for the sacrifices you each continue to make daily for my freedoms.  When the time comes for you to come home, please know I look forward to the opportunity to salute each of you in person.  Thank you so very much for touching my life in such a profound manner, and helping me to see ‘what I do matters’.  Every time I look at your amazing gift, I feel as though God is smiling.  Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.  You each continue to remain in my thoughts and prayers …




The Sky Angel, and TIGGER, too! 🙂

A special gift for our 3/5 Darkhorse Marines … won’t you be a part of it???

Monday, February 7th, 2011


One of my heroes, reading his journals ...

As you may or may not know, one of the things I do for our troops is journals.  On my domestic flights I make an announcement asking passengers to “write words of encouragement, prayers, draw pictures, tell jokes or anything they would want to read if they were away from their loved ones for any length of time”.  This is what made me “famous” by most peoples standards.  Ironically, the journals  are just a small portion of what I do for our valiant heroes on a regular basis.  Some of the troops I have supported have never gotten a journal.  Those who have love them, but I am thankful there are those troops who realize the value of a care package, the sentiment of a letter, and the prayers I send up daily are also just as important.  Getting others involved in supporting our troops is my goal, so none of them will ever feel alone on the battlefield, or when they come home.  


That being said, every service member I have ever done the journals for has cherished them.  They have said “it is difficult for me to keep them in my hands, because my buddies always want to see what people have written”.  One of my heroes told me the journals meant more to him after he got home.  He still reads them three years later “as a way to deal with the fact that I was away from my son when he was 3 years old and I missed out on so many ‘firsts’ “.  Often times they tear pages of the journals out and carry a page with them on a mission.  Words from a complete stranger give hope.  Let that resonate for a moment and you know why the journals will always be special to myself and anyone who does them for our troops.  They are a beautiful way to rally people together ~~ and remind folks we have wars going on in two countries, and troops who need our support.   


As I was walking around the city of Brotherly love on my layover earlier, I was thinking about the 3/5 Darkhorse Marines I was asked to “adopt” in November 2010.  Reviewing stories that have been shared with me since writing that first email, and contemplating the beautiful gift they sent, that I got on my birthday.  (If I have not told you about that, look for an upcoming post about one of the most precious gifts I have ever received in all my days of existence.)   All of the sudden, as I took each step, an idea popped into my head.  An awesome idea, if I do say so myself.  hehehe  

You see, I am flying international trips right now, and cannot do the journals for our troops for various reasons.    I’ve been working extra hard to support this particular unit because of the vast amount of casualties.  That is why in mid January I came up with the innovative idea to ask Facebookers to change their profile picture to a Superhero in honor of our Veterans and Active Military who put their lives on the line every singe day for our every day freedoms.  (Please ask those people you know on Facebook to do this through 14Feb, as it is the only Valentine some of our troops will get!  Share with those you know who are deployed, so they know we are sending them this Virtual Valentine!  )

However, I want something tangible for these specific Marines.  Something to honor the sacrifices their battle buddies have endured, and to remember those who have given their lives to serve our nation.   

So this is what I am going to do.  As of today, I am going to ask you to write me letters (hand written or typed), send a card, photograph, anything you want me to put in a journal specifically for the 3/5 Darkhorse Marines.  What I plan to do with the items you send me, is make a journal for this unit.  The idea is spawned from what Hannahkohl did for our Wounded Warriors for Christmas, what I have done on the airplane for our troops for years now, and of course ~~ wanting them to have a keepsake like no other.   

General Amos & The Sky Angel ~ Bethesda, Oct 2010

Any cards or letters need to be on 5×7 paper or smaller if possible.  Although I have rec’d some items on 8 1/2 x 11 paper and will make them work, the smaller items will enable me to fit more of your words in the 20 page scrapbook I am making for this project.

It has been an honor to me to have been asked to support this unit, to boost morale over the holidays, when many of them were feeling the sadness of what was going on around them.  These are some of the bravest men you will ever come across.  The only ones I have ever met, are those who were in the hospitals at Bethesda, Walter Reed, or Brooke Army Medical.  Recently I was asked to attend a Memorial Service for the Fallen when the unit returns home from Afghanistan.  That is when I plan to give this particular gift to the 1stSgt I have been supporting.  Take time today to help me with this project for our 3/5 Darkhorse Marines … it is the least we can do for any one of them, and since I am not the most artistic person in the world … I need all the help I can get!   

Please help me … share your thoughts.  Email me :  .. on Facebook or send a card , letter, or photograph (Please NO POSTCARDS as there is no way to present them so the front & back can be read) that you want me to include in the scrapbook to:  

Robin Schmidt  

PO Box 122037  

Covington, KY 41012-2037  


Help me make this project special … because it is all about the honorable and valiant sacrifices these complete strangers have made for each and every one of us .. and that is why I call them HEROES.   

PS.  In my photos you often will see Tigger.  One of my heroes asked me to take photos of Tigger in my travels, as a way to honor our troops. So that is why you see him with me … all over the globe.  whooo whooo whoo  

The Sky Angel wore her tshirt in honor of the Marines she is supporting .. and gave Tigger to a little boy with leukemia. What an AMAZING day!!

Thank you to all of our valiant heroes serving our Nation and bringing the world hope!   



AKA … The Sky Angel