There comes a time in everyone’s life, where they have to make decisions that are best for themselves. For me, being stubborn about what is “right” and having the motivation to do for others … sometimes it is difficult for me to “do for myself”. However, the time has come for me to listen to friends, family members, and doctors … and take a break away from the “norm”.
This will come as a shocker to some of you (probably moreso to myself!), but I had a dear friend dare me to do the unthinkable today. She suggested I stay off the computer for the three weeks I am on vacation, and see what God can do. You see, I am in the middle of my biggest fund raising campaign that I have ever done before. This years “Mail Call for Our Heroes” is for Spc. A.J. Kirkendall’s 101st Airborne Unit that is currently based in Afghanistan. Thousands of dollars need to be raised so each soldier in the unit will be able to call home for the holidays. In addition, I am collecting cards for AJ’s unit, along with the other service members I have currently “adopted”. Extra cards will go to the Combat Surgical Hospital in Afghanistan.
People tell me all the time, “I don’t have money to send you, but what can I do?” Write a card to a service member, and send it to me. (see the blog “Mail Call for Our Heroes” for details). Other people email and ask how to make a donation. Again, all the details are on the same blog. While I am taking this much needed vacation, I will be praying for God’s favor with this project.
This “holiday” (which is what people in other places in the world call a vacation) is desperately needed in order to regroup, make some major decisions, and get my health better than it has ever been. Although I hope I will be missed, I can tell you I will be celebrating life and honoring those who died September 11, 2001. If you do not realize it, my friends and merely woke up 1/2 an hour late. Who knows what could have happened … but near death experiences change a person. My world was completely changed on that day, for the better. My life is committed to bringing hope to the hopeless, kindness to those in need, compassion when everyone else turns a blind eye, and honor to those who serve our country and the world so valiantly. My goal is to bring peace to every nation and share Light and Love wherever I go.
While I am living out my dream, and seeing the final “Wonder” on my list … won’t you please take some time to reflect on what is most important to you? Make that phone call, tell someone you are sorry, say the words “I love you” before it is too late. Never take someone for granted or leave words unspoken. Remember each day to look yourself in the mirror and say “I forgive you”. LIVE WITH INTEGRITY. Repay a loan, say a prayer, shake a hand, hold open a door, smile at a complete stranger … there is so much each of us can do to better our own lives … and I am taking this code of silence to prove a point.
You see, our troops sacrifice so much every single day. They go for days without bathing (at times), don’t get to eat hot meals after long missions, often don’t have access to the internet, and go without modern conveniences we have all grown accustomed to. For the next three weeks, I am going to be asking each of you to give up something … a cup of coffee at Starbuck’s … a dinner out on the town … lunch with your buddies … skip going to the movie theater … whatever “extra” you are splurging on … give it up for a week. Then donate that money to “Mail Call for Our Heroes”. The cause could not be more admirable … and I know our valiant heroes will appreciate your kindness so very much.
Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for helping me … but most of all, thank you for allowing me this time to rest. As of 12 noon on 31Augusts, I will not get back online until I return from the Land of Oz (the last weekend of September) … EXCEPT to check my personal email. Since no one has an itinerary and only my travel companion knows where we will be, I have to have a way to check in with my loving family. In addition to that, if one of my heroes needs me, I won’t leave them in a lurch. Trust me, aside from that one email account (for my family and my heroes), you will not find me breaching this dare … because I believe “this” purpose is far greater than meets the eye! It’s time to allow miracles to happen, by being silent and listening!
Just as a side note, I will be speaking at Center Street United Methodist Church at 10:30am in Lucasville, Ohio on 26September, if any of you want to come show your support … or purchase an autographed copy of “Kentucky’s Everyday Heroes #2” that Steve Flairty so generously included me in. This amazing author will also be at the church, so please come show your support!
Now, for my friend who dared me to stay off line for the next three weeks … game on! hehehe
PS. Please remember Sept 21st is International Peace Day. Do something to help promote this day of cease fire, deliver humanitarian aid, and bring PEACE to every corner of the world. My travel companion and I will be volunteering in Sydney on our last day of vacation, as my one day set aside for something other than taking care of myself.
Robin (aka .. the Sky Angel)
Robin Schmidt
PO Box 122037
Covington, KY 41012-2037