Archive for October, 2010

Fund Raiser for Our Valiant Heroes

Tuesday, October 12th, 2010

Spc. Ryan Drahman met me on a flight in July and I have been supporting him and his medivac unit ever since. They are one of the units who will benefit from this fund raiser for the holidays. (Ryan said this photo was taken by a media photographer, I do not know his name.)

This Saturday, 16 October, from 12 to 5pm (that is 1200 to 1700 for you military folks!  haha), you are invited to my first ever FUND RAISER for the valiant heroes I am supporting overseas.

Where:  Valley Tavern, 21 Chimicum Road, Port Hadlock, WA

What to expect:  My oldest sister (Nancy) has orchestrated a fund raiser for me to help raise money for the heroes I am currently supporting in Iraq and Afghanistan. We are partnered with the manager (Cindy) of the Village Tavern for the event, and are planning BBQ and all the “fixins” . What is my role?  To meet as many people as possible… help wherever I can … and of course, schmooz (hehehe) …

After all, I am a flight attendant … I can deliver beer and food all day long! haha

Put on those rubber duckies, and come join us .. rain or shine!   :0

 So … if you want to see my pretty face (because you live in the area and are a friend, and miss me (hehehe) …

or you want to meet “The Sky Angel” face to face   😮  …. 

or you just like good old fashioned BBQ with a bunch of people who support our troops  😮 ….


Of course, if you are a veteran, or current military member, we want to meet and thank each of you face to face !!!  😮

Spc. Ryan Drahman's medivac unit rescued some fellow soldiers, who were wounded in battle, and captured holding hands to comfort one another. (Ryan said this was another photo taken by the same media photographer, I do not know his name.)

 Bring your friends, family, co-workers (you get the idea) …. please feel free to repost this message, and of course, if you cannot make it, you can send donations to my address below.   There will be a silent auction (so if you want to donate an item for this, please contact Cindy at the Village Tavern) … Remember, ALL proceeds equate to donations that will go directly to the troops I support (in Iraq and Afghanistan) via care packages I will be sending to our valiant heroes for Thanksgiving and Christmas. 

 Bring your check books, cash, appetites, smiles, and hugs … and let’s have a fantastically fun time while we show support to our brave men and women who sacrifice so very much for our every day freedoms.      Also … please take time to write a Christmas (or holiday) card for a hero serving overseas, and I will be sure to include it in my packages, too! Encouragement from back “home” means the world to the members of our Army, Navy, Marines, National Guard, Air Force, and Coast Guard! It is my goal, through these efforts and getting others involved in “adopting” a service member on deployment, that none of them EVER feel alone on the battlefield, or when they return home! Can’t wait to see you there … amongst the beauty of the mountains, ocean, and of course, some of the most caring and loving people on earth. 

 Thanks so very much for your support .. and a very special note of gratitude to my sister, Nancy for organizing this event with the manager of the Valley Tavern, Cindy.  Your efforts are appreciated so very much, and touch me deeply.  (

Always, Robin

PS. if you have any questions, please send me an email to:

Robin Schmidt

PO Box 122037

Covington, KY 41012-2037