Archive for May, 2010

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Saturday, May 29th, 2010

As our Nation celebrates Memorial, Flag, Independence and Veteran’s Day holidays, I want to take time to say THANK YOU for your kind donations to help me support our troops.  With your help, there are service members every single month who receive much needed encouragement and supplies as they serve our country far from home.

Whether it be pillows, sheets, toiletries, junk food, homemade goodies, movies, books, games, calling cards, back scratchers, candy, or school supplies (for the local children) .. every single item is so very appreciated.  Recently the orphanage I support in South Africa sent me bookmarks to send to my troops.  They want our service members to know they are thought of and appreciated … all the way from Africa.  That random act of kindness reminds me how simple it is to make a difference for others.

These children feel they have nothing to offer the world, yet they give LOVE in everything they do.  That is exactly how I look at each donation someone provides to me.  Countless times I have had tears of joy from receiving a check to cover postage at exactly the right time, or an envelope of cards written for our Wounded troops at Landstuhl or the Combat Surgical Hospital in Afghanistan.  Thank you for getting your local communities involved in writing to our Armed Forces.  A letter or card makes more of an impact than you can possibly imagine.  It’s the human factor .. after all, I don’t know anyone who would be annoyed with receiving a note of “thanks” or appreciation .. whether they know you or not.  🙂

When asked “what next”, I often tell people it is my desire for NONE of our service members to ever feel alone on the battlefield or when they return home.  With your continued support, I hope to make that dream a reality.  Please feel free to make a donation on my website of  (for monthly care packages) or sign up to adopt your own hero today. .

You can also send cards, donated items, or checks to me at:

Robin Schmidt

PO Box 122037

Covington, KY 41012-2037

Thank you, thank you, thank you .. for honoring our heroes and allowing me to continue to do what I do through your kindness.  You have touched me deeply with your generosity, and I cannot thank you enough for being a blessing to me.  Even if you have not been able to give in a monetary way, thank you for believing in me .. praying for me .. encouraging me .. and guiding me with your love and friendship! 

 Each and every one of you have been an answer to prayer and I cannot end this note, without specifically saying “thank you” to my heroes, for allowing me the honor of serving YOU and supporting YOU.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your service and the sacrifices you make daily to serve, protect, and defend our Nation and my life.



Honoring our Heroes … how you can help!

Tuesday, May 4th, 2010

Field of Flags

The entire month of May I will be collecting items for July 4th care packages for our troops overseas. It is imperative to boost moral to the men & women who sacrifice so very much to honor and serve our Nation. 
In an attempt to do so, I would like to collect as many thank you & Independence day cards / notes of gratitude to share with them as possible.  While school is still in session, please have your kids classes make cards for our troops.  Get your local church, senior center, rotary clubs, favorite gym … any place you can think of .. to get involved!!  🙂   
Special requests for 4th of July care packages are: 
* Twin Sheet Sets
* Sweat Pants (Combat Surgical Hospital)
* I-Tunes Gift Cards
*Anti Fatigue Mats (guards on duty)
* Plastic Soap dishes
* Stress balls
* Coffee
* Coffee Creamer
* Band-aids
* Cold medicine
* Anti Diarrhea meds (Immodium)
* Small (8-10″ electrical fans)
* Bug spray
* Suntan Lotion
* Aloe cream / gel
* Toiletries (shoe powder, deoderant, shaving cream, … etc) 
* Blank stationary (cards or paper w/ envelopes so they can write to their loved  ones back home .. stamps are not needed, as they can mail for free from their base while on deployment)
* Junk food (beef jerky, fruit snacks and Gold Fish have been specifically requested for my next packages)
If you would like to send gift cards, rather than shipping the items to me., that would be GREAT!!   Wal-Mart, Costco, Big Lots and American Express gift cards are the BEST!  🙂  
Please ship cards or any of the above donations to:
Robin Schmidt
PO Box 122037
Covington, KY 41012-2037 
Thanks so much for helping me to make a difference for our troops … and remind each of them how grateful we are for their service! PS.  You can also click on the “donate” button on my website and make a donation instantly .. (or you can mail a check to the above address as well!)  Money for postage is always needed and appreciated!!   THANKS AGAIN! 
Always, Robin 

Gulf Company in '09

Time for some “Spring” love to our troops!

Sunday, May 2nd, 2010

Sharing laughter with our troops ...

Since 2002 I have been “adopting” military members during their deployments overseas.  Since most of them are in war zones and far away from their loved ones, my goal is to provide them with small comforts of home and bring a bit of laughter to their days.
Currently I am working on care packages for May.  Since it is beginning to be very hot in the desert, I am sending them “cool” items and some “Spring” love.  :o)  Today I purchased the contents for the parcels; which include “fun” items to make them laugh … along with the typical wet wipes, hygiene products, and other items the troops have specifically requested. 
If you would like to donate towards the postage for my care packages this month, please do so by clicking on the “donate” button on my website .   Currently I have 5 guys (and their units) I am supporting, plus the Combat Surgical Hospital in Afghanistan (they asked for sheet sets this month), and continue collecting items for the Chaplain’s Closet at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center … also, if you want to help for June packages, please send me gift cards for WalMart, Costco, or Big Lots as I will purchase hot climate items to help them for the summer months .. and of course, their favorite junk foods.  🙂  Any donation you can make (big or small) would be GREATLY appreciated. 
Also, please remember this is National Military Appreciation month and Memorial Day is coming up .. please take time to thank a service member and their families for the many sacrifices they make daily to serve and protect our Nation .. and make the world a better place.
It is my goal that none of our service members ever feel alone on the battlefield, or when they return home.  If you would like to adopt your own service member, please go to and sign up.  Please remember many of our troops DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE INTERNET regularly, and it is vital to their well being to receive mail during mail call.  (US Mail delivery to their military base overseas).
Please send gift cards, or if you don’t have money and want to write cards to thank our heroes for their service for Memorial Day (or for any wounded members at the Combat Surgical Hospital), please send them to me:
Robin Schmidt
PO Box 122037
Covington, KY 41012-2037
Thanks so very much for your support and kind donations, and for helping me to make a difference for our valiant heroes.  Just look at this picture above, and know how much they appreciate what we do to encourage them!
It is my belief, we can each make a difference .. one person .. one life at a time!

“Showing up”

Saturday, May 1st, 2010

Orphanage in Haiti

It is an odd transition, coming back into the States after being in a third world country.  Especially one where there is so much devastation and destruction.  One thing I can never describe accurately, will be the smell or the sounds.  The first afternoon I was in Haiti, I went out with a couple of the guys to see what it was like on the streets of Port-au-Prince.  There are tents everywhere, and people walking around with what seemed to me, no sense of where they were going. 

It struck me in an odd way that as the day became night, the streets became busier.  We are all so accustomed to having a home to go home to, at the end of the day.  These poor people are lucky if they have a tent or any form of shelter over their heads.  They are on the streets at night because they haven’t got the comforts beyond a nylon cover to protect them from the elements.

It saddens me deeply that people are living under such horrible conditions.  My heart breaks at the thought that hurricane season is right around the corner, and the tents will blow away with the first strong wind.  It troubles me that sustainable housing has not yet been provided.  What troubles me more, is the fact there are still communities that have seen NO AID since the earthquake occurred.  How these people are surviving on no food, water, or medical supplies is beyond my scope.  It has to be by the sheer grace of God and their individual human spirit.  There are no words to describe the suffering .. or the resilience of these people.

Although entire families were wiped out in a short thirty seconds, their loved ones are pressing on and finding ways to survive.  When Sammy (he lost his mother, wife and children in the earthquake) told me he did not have a hard life because people like me come, and give him hope, I had no words to respond.  You see, I am the first one to admit that I sometimes get caught up in my own problems.  Things that trouble me deeply and make me sad or insecure. 

But what Sammy and so many others that we met did, was make me reflect .. on what I do have .. and on how great it is to share my smile and laughter with another person.  How beautiful it is to know that I can make a difference, just by showing up.  As I go about what I need to do today, I am thanking the stars above, for what I do have .. and the fact that I have a car to drive and a house to clean .. and loved ones who are all over the world .. encouraging me to be the best I can be.

Thank you all for your encouragement .. it just is weird, being back home ..

